Using a PS3 controller on Linux – Wired and wireless/blutooth


If you, like have tried using a PS3 controller on windows before, you know it can be a real pain in the backside. Here i will explain how to use it on Linux wired and wireless. I have only tried this on Linux Mint 22 which is based on Ubuntu.

From my reading this will bypass a fix to the blutooth drivers which was done for security reasons. The side effect of fixing the vulnerability was some devices would stop working over blutooth, which included the PS3 controller.

So use this fix at your own risk

How to

Using it wired in this case is as simple as pluggin it in with a USB wire and it will work right away.

Using it over blutooth requires you to open the config file located here , without the quotes “/etc/bluetooth/input.conf“. The file needs to be opened with root acces, otherwise you will not be able so save the changes.
Add this to a new line without the quotes, you can just it add at the end of the document “ClassicBondedOnly=false

Now open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and type in this command without the quotes “systemctl restart bluetooth
In my case my computer threw a few errors, but after 10 second or so my blutooth came back to life, and i was able to use my PS3 controller using blutooth.

Other guides that may be relevant

Author: Josch

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